Help with Audio Jigsaw Puzzle Please

I have a very small room (10x10) that could use a secondary system.  I just stream.  I have a smattering of existing unused equipment, and with the rapid introduction of new multiple-things-in-one products, I am not sure how best to finish off a system.  Emphasis on sound quality first, then simplicity and flexibility. I want to spend no more than $2K, but would go higher for really good solution.  The puzzle pieces:

Assume streaming only.

I have an unused Bryston BDP-1 STREAMER (no DAC or Pre).  Old but good sounding streamer (a little clunky to configure and use).

I have unused Elac Navis ARB51 powered speakers - quite good for their size/price in wired connection mode.
I have an unused higher end Lampizator DAC (no volume contol).  

I don't have a preamp (I do - a brand new ARC 6se - but it is for sale and would be overkill for this system)

(I also don't have Roon core.  I like Roon, but can stream Tidal or Qobuz through the Bryston and may forego yet another link in chain (Roon core)).

What to do, what to do.  I *could* get a decent preamp, but that results in a non-compact system (streamer + dac + pre + powered speakers) that still culminates in little bookshelf speakers. 

I could get an all-in-one streamer/DAC/preamp, which would make for a very simple, compact little system, but would waste the SQ uplift of the unused Lampizator (.....unless the all-in-one allows use of external DAC...and routing out to external DAC and then back in does not defeat the SQ benefit of external DAC)

Similarly, I could get an everything-in-one streaming integrated (used Hegel?) which presents the same DAC in-and-out issue as above, but then powered speakers don't fit/work - would need to dump the Elacs and shop for passives.

You get the picture - how best play these cards for best system for the money?



What is your main system? It would be really helpful to see where you are coming from. There is a place under your UserID to place photos and ID the components.

What are your objectives? What is your personality like. Do you really appreciate outstanding sound and just can’t leave it alone. How often will this other system be used? Would you like it carefully crafted… sounds like not. Are you willing to put lots of time into carefully crafting the sound? What do you want it to sound like?


Lots of folks want to make their second system a statement. I really like my second system (office): Totem speakers, PrimaLuna integrated amp, Schiit DAC… punchy, fun system… I put it together very carefully… but for much less than my main or headphone system.



On one end of the spectrum you can sell all your stuff and get a Linn DSM, a single box… does everything… or as much as you want.

It is seldom a kinda random collection of stuff is going to sound great for the investment.

@ghdprentice, dammit, you are going to make me be thoughtful about this, and formalize some philosophy?? :-)  Thanks for the prodding, I will do better.   Is the place to post main system pictures "Virtual Systems?"

The rest if the group seems to be saying: Get on with purchasing your preamp, which makes me wish I had held on to my Topping Pre90.....

Second the LTA MZ2, but really I was thinking more generally of any good headphone amp with preamp out and remote volume. I’ve been getting more into headphones since I bought an MZ3 (the MZ2’s bigger brother) to use as a preamp (and surprisingly as an integrated). While headphones present differently than speakers, they do effectively eliminate any room issues. It can add another option to your listening. The new Schiit Kara looks interesting if you want to stick to SS.

@mathiasmingus ....*G* Off the bat, your system doesn’t seem all that complex and/or obtuse to me....If complex is your fear, come over to my environs....

You’d be arrested for running so fast from a given point....;)

Just kidding and a tease....*S*

Actually, since no pre....I’d opt for @dekay s’ suggest.....if just dB +/- is the desire...

(I don’t have a pre ’in system’ currently, nor for quite awhile...have a Really Nice One now, but the revamp of all? *phew*)

My dance card is long enough at this moment....*L*