unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...

It will be useful to have a location and a thread about music we love without being able to describe it by a conventional tag:




My first example , Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus - The Gift of Tears :



Sometimes a very new instrument creation is impossible to describe, we must listen ...

M.Theremin playing his own creation :


Leon Teremin is a Russian inventor, best known for the invention of "Theremin vox", one of the first electric musical instruments (1920.), which is also the only instrument that can be played without any touch, by influencing with the hands the electromagnetic field created by the instrument.


This fascinating music is from a seer named Gurdjieff, it is played on piano  and written inspired by near eastern melody...

Alain Kremsky recording is audiophile and very good, this is my prefered album but the six albums are all stunning and meditative and rythmically  well spoken for the soul :
