Bacch Dsp, True stereo?

The latest gimmick seems to be eliminating cross talk as a way to achieve true stereo.

Seems very expensive and works with any speaker.

Another layer of complexity.

Anyone have an opinion on this new fad? Seems a bit neurotic to me


Yeah maybe crosstalk needs to be better clarified. To lift it out of the gimmick zone. OK so I now research what the heck crosstalk means.

Just to be clear, you’re the only one on this thread who thinks this is a gimmick. But glad to hear you’re finally going to actually do some research into this rather than just throwing out nonsensical and completely uninformed barbs.  Jeez.

Very few people have even used this product. Just the promoters noted above.

Yeah I’m trying to do research but it’s very difficult for this very challenging product.

What the heck is crosstalk? This is the only product I’ve ever heard about that.

And quite frankly no one else seems to be terribly excited about it.

And then I read about a headset you've got to wear so the System can find you in the room. That's some crazy stuff

«What is crosstalk in speakers?
This occurs when the signals from different channels (such as left and right channels in stereo audio) bleed into each other. For example, if you’re listening to a stereo audio source and the left channel’s signal is heard in the right channel, or vice versa, you’re experiencing inter-channel crosstalk.» from internet
I just proposed in my last post above a very simple experiment with only MECHANICAL tools, wood panels in fact, to experiment the effect of crosstalk by decreasing it in a near listening situation... The best way to understand is simple experiment...



And quite frankly no one else seems to be terribly excited about it.

And then I read about a headset you’ve got to wear so the System can find you in the room. That’s some crazy stuff

I can’t even. Shades of kenjit.  Peace out.


You make a good point.  However, "where there is a WILL there is a WAY" ...a lifelong motto!  I found and nurtured a skilled, trusted Tech 3000 miles from me who remotes into my PC, setting up the necessary ingredients.  Over the years, Mike has become an intimate friend and we collaborate well, including tiny adjustments of DSP to 1/100ths of a decibel.  For Purists, any harm done with expertly applied DSP is miniscule in light of the improvements.  

A Member reached out who had difficulty finding the BACCH Plug-In.  It appears that the 15% discount is still current:

u-BACCH Audio Plug-In – BACCH Labs

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