Need some help picking my first MC Cartridge

I have recently purchased an Icon PS1 Mk II tube Phono Preamp. and was thinking of purchasing a seperate MC cartridge and head to interchange with my Nagoaka MP 300 MM cartridge, which I am very happy with. This is my first MC Cartridge so this is more of a chance to compare MC versus MM Cartridges. Some suggestions have been Denon 103 or the Hana Red, The Icon Preamp has a fixed MC load setting of 100 ohms. The Sansui SR 525 Direct Drive Turntable that I will be using has an interchangeable cartridge head, so VTA height, tracking weight, anti-skating adjustments may be required for each cartridge but should not take more than 20 minutes to adjust. I have read that some low output cartridges may be preferable to high output, but I am not sure how this matches up with the Icon Preamp. I am a little in the weeds here with the technical information when it comes to cartridges so be gentle.

My listening preference is more to the musical / warm vinyl side. Gear: Tube preamp, Class "A" amp , alternating with a tube Integrated, Wilson Benesch Square 2 Speakers, Rel Subs (x2). I split my listening about 50/50 Vinyl/Digital.

My Budget is up to $1500.00


Your Icon has the built in MC transformer that is optional?  Do you know how much gain the stage provides?  MCs vary widely in output so this sort of information is vital for making any sort of recommendation.

The Hana SL is a very good recommendation at ~$750. It is low output with a superior Shibata stylus (important). It needs a gain of about 60db for best signal- to-noise performance. That gain can be had from an active stage or a transformer. Since the Icon has a fixed load of 100 ohms it has enough gain for a low output mc cartridge like the SL. I would choose it over the Denon 103R (conical stylus) because the SL’s Shibata stylus is far better at detail retrieval and will last longer in use. Even though the 103R is less costly (~$340).

Low output mc cartridges have always been preferred over high output types. Lower moving mass gives them superior transient and tracking response. I had the Sumiko Blue Point high output mc in use for a while but didn’t like it and went back to the Denon 103 series. I have the 103R on the Pioneer PLX 1000 TT. On the Ariston RD11 I have the Coral Sleeping Beauty on a Fidelity Research FR 29 arm. Step up devices are various transformers (Bellari, Quicksilver...) and a Marcof PPA-1 battery-powered transistor head amp

On the Ariston RD11S I have the Denon 103 on a Grace 707 arm. I have several 103's in reserve, including a rare gold-body 50 year commemorative version. Other Denon's I have are the 301 and the 304.  They are good sounding reliable mc cartridges.

Just keep in mind that the Nagaoka MP series of cartridges are Moving Iron types, not MM. While you are at the task of selecting a new MC type, maybe consider also upgrading from MP300 to MP500.