Amp recommendations for KEF R7 speakers

Hi all. Purchased a pair of KEF R7 floor-stand speakers. Does anyone have any experience of what amp (brand and watts) can drive these speakers to sound great? Do McIntosh do well with these? They are going into a 18x15 open room with a 13 foot cathedral ceiling.Also any recommendations on the placement. Any input will be a great help. Thanks.


What sound characteristics are you looking for, what’s the rest of the equipment in your system, what’s your budget, and are you looking for new or used?  Are you looking for an integrated amp or separates?  The more info you provide the better and more targeted the recommendations here will be. 




There is a place to put photos of your system under Virtual systems. It would be really helpful so we can be helpful.

A good friend is running a Mac solid state integrated with his Meta 50 speakers and they sound fantastic.  I had heard the Meta 50’s elsewhere with a non-Mac integrated and I found them a bit shrill.  Definitely, the McIntosh amp is a good match.  

I am powering my KEF Reference 1 Metas with a pair of McIntosh MC 611s and a C2700. They sound outstanding. The KEF tweeters can sound a little brittle with the wrong amplification, as others have stated. I don't think you can go wrong with McIntosh for them. Pass Labs might also be a great match. 

Thank you for the input everyone.  Soix, I will be using a Marantz TT15S1 turntable and a SACD 30N player. Im looking to get as much bass as possible because I don’t want to use a separate sub in the room. I was thinking of the MC830 amps.