Cables for Aurender N150

I’ve had my Aurender N150 for 6 months and have been using an AudioQuest Carbon USB cable and a Shunyata Taipan power cable that I had available.  I’ve really enjoyed the N150. Have Aurender owners found benefit in going farther upscale for USB and power cables?  

For the non-Aurender people out there, the N150 is the current bottom of Aurender models .  I’ve had excellent success when upgrading other components’ cables but you can hit that point where you don’t need Ferrari tires on a Honda.


Thank you everyone!  I’ve gotten several ideas and am still researching.  I’ve been streaming for over 10 years but until a couple years ago it was all improving the computer doing the streaming, not a dedicated streamer or better cables.  So I’m still learning regarding how much each incremental cable upgrade can improve my sound.  I’ve been pleasantly surprised!

@vonhelmholtz My primary digital system is currently the Aurender N150>AQ Carbon USB>Chord Hugo M-Scaler>dual Nordost Silver Shadow BNC>Chord Qutest DAC>Cardas Golden Reference IC>Cary SLI-80HS with all possible upgrades>shotgunned Nordost SuperFlatline II cables>Meadowlark Osprey speakers. All components fed by Shunyata power cables fed from Denali v2 conditioner fed from Alpha XC cable fed from a dedicated home run 20 amp circuit with a FIM Gold outlet.

I cannot easily upgrade the speaker cables because it’s a long LR run under a rug on hardwood floor.

I was a longtime diehard vinyl enthusiast until streaming sources significantly improved.

@txp1 talk about Heinz 57 cable menagerie:-). I think I already mentioned this above but try the Cardas Clear High Speed USB.  Will be quite a nice improvement over the AQ Carbon.