Help and opinions needed on pre-amp situation

For this one, I would like to hear from enthusiats instead of people who sell stuff. I’ve been using integrated amplifiers for all my years in this "hobby." I recently went to mono blocks- a pair of the class D Atma-Shpere’s to be specific. I’m using balanced XLR connections straight from a Lumin S1 streamer/dac/preamp into the mono blocks using Lumin’s LeedH volume processing deal. It’s a nice and simple setup with nothing else in the signal path.

The question is: am I missing out on better sound by leaving out an Atma-Sphere MP-3.3 tube preamp? Will adding a preamp improve, diminish, or retain the existing sound quality- as far as soundstage, imaging, depth, tonal balance etc is concerned? This preamp deal is not cheap (for me). Has anyone been in this situation? Did the preamp improve the sound, keep it the same, or make it worse? Am I better off just leaving it as-is with my minimalistic setup?

A couple of other things to consider:

My turntable is collecting dust since changing over to the mono blocks, I didn’t listen to vinyl often even with the integrated since my digital front sound better then my vinyl gear. If it made $ense, it would be nice to have the ability to listen to vinyl again.

At some point I may also have to connect a projector to my system to play audio. Then the issue becomes that projectors do not have balanced XLR output. Most are HDMI. I’m not sure if the MP-3 preamp will work or if a different preamp is better choice here etc. I’d like to keep with the same brand for obvious reasons if possible.

Has anyone been in this situation before and pulled the trigger? If you have- your input, suggestions, and opinions would be greatly appreciated.


Simplest answer is yes, you need a tube preamp, especially if you're going to keep those Class D Amps. Try, borrow, whatever, but see for yourself.

In my experience, there is no definitive answer, as I've had some amps that work as well or better using my the volume control from my Weiss DAC vs. using a preamp.  That was the case when I had a Music Reference RM9 MK2 amp.... but when I changed to Quicksilver KT Mono's, I found I preferred having a preamp vs. using the Weiss DAC as my volume control.

The only constructive suggestion I can offer, is Yes to a pre-amp. I like the versatility of having a pre in the system. I listen to mostly vinyl and CD:  jazz, classical, avant-garde, experimental, and 70's "hippie" country rock, along with swing/ big band.... did I forget polka? I use streaming to audition music. I have three systems, all vintage, in my home.  One system is a Pioneer integrated, my low watt system. If I step into the 21st century it will be here. I do like the "English" sound, warmer and maybe a little more full, not so brilliant on the high end. And since I am on a (working) retiree's budget it might be one of the newer British integrated amps going in here, with reservations..  But yes, a pre will be nice to have, I think. Good luck

Quick and easy answer: yes.  You absolutely need a separate preamp from your streamer / DAC / preamp unit.  You will hear a significant improvement.  The next step, if possible, separate the DAC from your streamer at some point.  Happy listening.

The Lumin S1 was their top of the line/flagship offering prior to the X-1. In the menu it has a setting for "Analog Output Level" and has "Normal" or "Low" for choices. Not sure if that has anything to do with what @atmasphere Ralph mentioned about the balanced output.

@veerossi  It doesn't.