I saw the back of an integrated and it depressed me.

Recently took a look at an ad for a Technics SU-G700M2 integrated amplifier, and honestly it made me a little sad for me, my hobby and the gear I ended up with.

When I "wore a younger man's shoes" I needed inputs! I was going to have a turntable, a Tandberg reel to reel and cassette player, and that new fangled CD player would be there as well. 

This new integrated has 5 digital inputs and 2 analog inputs... and anyway I just want to drink while playing Billy Joel radio on my Roon streamer.



That was my TV. I shot some NASTY dude speaking too often about overpopulation from TV screen in ravaging anger.

Buyers remorse? Can always sell, buy, change, upgrade…

But listen first- would be great if you report on sonic differences digital vs analog inputs. Could be fun.

...got destructed  Distracted by the day.....'Full moon Fried daze'll do yah....🙄

@waytoomuchstuff ...if 'cute' offends, then 'girly beast' ?! 

Don't just '5 o'clock shadow'...go 'all-out HULK' on 'em....green-tinged visible skin....practice the 'going to go beast' rapid breathing....pre-shred clothing....

(Gotta be good @ it..."Even Barbie drives a 'vette, guy....*hmpth*" might be heard....*tease*)

...heard even the 260s' spark plugs needed reverse joints in ones' hands and a taste for hot metal if done at roadside....

Anyway...pet the Lotus' about for me....*sigh*

'....always a best man, never the groom...'  Closest was missing an Elan in a auction; $950 for one with no hood from an engine fire...all else There....f'k.

Floppy disc vs. d**k:  Age now...fix-able to some degrees, timing counts. 👍

'Back when'? :Your karma was giving you a close encounter not to be ignored.

That's how too many of 'us' ended up being called 'daddy'.

I paid Attention to that...have none that want 'daddy in a home where they'll Take Care of him....'


@mapman....I grew up with 'party lines'; never could distinguish who we were partying with, but ...rotatory phones were frustrating when one would try to call in on a 'third caller wins!' radio scam contest....tried contra-rotation once, dial broke...

"HEY!  What's happened to the phone!?"

'...the dog did it...."    (older bro/younger bro = I took the hit....  f'k....)

@erik_squires   Back in the Oaktown>SF era, worked with Steve, who laid hans on a new Awdy Quattro...

"What's a limey like youse going 'germ' on us?  Hate their football teams, not the cars?  'Splain...."

"....their teams are just a lot of big girlies....the cars?  This one is great...."

(  I didn't, and still won't, argue with a man with a red-hot soldering iron in hand....)

(Long story....don't have short ones anymore....)

...except for this....Good night or morning, as is your situation.... ;)

"HAL: I’m sorry, Dave. I’m afraid I can’t do that."

I don’t do digital, my gear is 70’s or older. I have inputs.

Wow i tried to post a comment and i could not do that as a Audiogon member with an account. Must have verified Phone number and address. F%^&#$G ridiculous  and.


@alaskaman ....*L*  Yeah....the lower 48 has gotten so wound up in itself that if you're north of the CN border you're 'obviously one of Them...whatever 'They' 'are', which is still unresolved...

"Shuddup, all we want is yer crude (oil, that is...), your landscape to scrape, the permafrost to melt and release who knows what....all that....more when They figure out what might make a $ or mil$....."

And....."Dave?"   "Dave's not here....."