mint best tractor gone?

Searched online but the web address takes me to a page of "related links". Is there a new website or is Yip out of business. It seems that just a couple of months ago I could find it.

Dear @mijostyn  : Mint was using what you ask for: Löfgren A or B and if the customer ask nothing then MINT  protractor came with Löfgren A.




Take That!


Good for Mint! Ask for Lofgren B! Does it sound better?  Most of us, it not all of us could not reliably tell the deference. But, Lofgren B has provably lower distortion over most of the record. What we hear is the additive effect of all distortion. It you minimize it everywhere you can throughout the entire audio chain the end result is more accurate sound. 

It’s certainly possible that my casual experiment only revealed errors in my original alignments using Lofgren A. But I’m really happy with the sound realigned with B so I’m taking the win.

At some point I’ll test again by changing the new TR to B and see if I hear a difference

Dear @wrm57 : " Lofgren B was (and is, since I am listening to it now) obviously better. Good enough? It is for me. "

Measured differences " numbers " between A and B and maintaining the same efective lenght are really minimal .

To mantain both set ups the same: A and B alignments must be seeting up with different P2S distance that were the one calculated for each kind of alignment.

Measures says ( example: EL 254.00 mm. ) that at 90mm from the center spindle the traking distortion is higher in the A alignment by 0.15% na the tracking error higher by 0.29° been the offset angle the same and overhang difference is: 0.46 mm. and the average rms distortions is higher by 0.04%.

Obviously that after each set up we have to check VTF, VTA and AZ.

It’s not so obvious that with all those measures/and new set up parameters how any one can/could listen any differences in between other that we " want " to hear it...

@mijostyn ?




Sorry. I meaned calculated not measured..


@rauliruegas , Maybe I just got lucky with the B alignment and associated parameters, and then rushed to judgement. But I certainly prefer how it sounds now, and will keep using B until my “luck” changes.