@waytoomuchstuff .....
It's the 57 Fury Factor..... *arm around shoulders* Sorry......but, at least the Fury was a 'hot item' back then....👍🙄😎
.....just has that 'Brit Restraint Rationale' goin' on....
That, and the "Bond....James Bond....." connection dooms one to the 'Cute Conundrum'......(Oh, gawd, don't cry....).... ;)
There.....feeling better? Good.....*simpatico S*
Oh....'real cars Can shift themselves' and that can be 'a Good Thing' (channeling The Martha for a moment)... ;)
....case in point....
Watch the launches.....🤪
You're too busy staying pointed properly to do so, unless you've got a 3rd hand...
....or ones' 'fav appendage' has learned a 'very new trick'.....*LOL*
(My fav 'Insane Major Lotto Win Splurge' is a vaguely 'street-able' version, with exhaust diversion valves and a chip switch on the 'puter....BRG w/yellow detailing, of course.....) 😏
Bumper snicker reads:
You can go with This, or
You can go with That