Let's Talk DAC's

My current DAC, the Chord Chordette Qute HD is getting on with age and I am looking for a new one with superior performance. So far, I have narrowed down my search to five DACs. At the low end is the Denafrips Ares II and the Eversolo DAC Z8. Mid range the RME ADI-2 and at the top end the Chord Qutest and the Denafrips Pontus II.

This is for an all-digital setup in a 12x12 dedicated room. I have a much larger room with a much "bigger" set up, but for this room it is a simple PrimaLuna Prologue Classic integrated, Audiolab 6000 CD transport, ProAc Tablette 10’s, and a REL T/5i Subwoofer. I plan to add a streamer as well, but that is for another discussion.

I am conflicted with the choice between a delta-sigma modulated DAC and an R2R type Dac. I do like the FPGA technology in my current DAC. It has served me well.

I am certainly open to other ideas and welcome comments from those of you that have experience with this equipment.

I forgot to add; I like a wide and deep soundstage and good imaging. I also hate a rolled off high end.






I forgot to mention my current set up for you: BlueSound Node 130 with LHY LPS, Denafrips Iris DDC, Denafrips Pontus II DAC, several amps I can use, and Buchardt Audio S400 MKII speakers. The BlueSound is not long for this world, I'll be upgrading to an Aurender/Lumin/Innuous streamer by the end of the year

Check out the HoloAudio Spring 3 DAC, though it might be just outside the price range you're exploring for this particular system.  I believe their base price is just over $2K, but worth giving a listen.

If you are only interested in DACs that you can buy from a local source and test drive, then you can ignore both Musician and Denafrips.

Can’t speak for Denafrips, but you can buy Musician products through Amazon and I believe you have a return window where you can easily return if it doesn’t work out for you.  That’s why I bought my Pegasus there although I never considered returning it after hearing it.  Worth doublechecking though just in case.