speakers for small room

I have a small living room. My amp is an Accuphase powering some Harbeth P3ESRs and a KEF KC62 subwoofer. Sounds great for acoustic and jazz. However, I also like big symphonic works and the Harbeths don't cut it for that. I'm looking for something more dynamic and something that can push more air to give me that grand experience of listening to big works. Any recommendations? Assume a budget of $10000.




Other than better dynamics, what sound characteristics are you looking for, do you prefer monitors or towers, what are your room dimensions, how much power does your amp have, and are you looking for new or used?  Sorry for all the questions — just trying to make the most appropriate and useful recommendations possible. 

Which Accuphase? Maybe try a more powerful amp. The P3esr’s love power. 

How small of a room are you talking? See my virtual system, my rooms pretty small.