Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?

I have a friend who is interested in putting together a system and am putting together a little guide for him, compiling information I’ve found over the years, plus some of my own personal tips and tricks. However, I am by no means the end-all-be-all of knowledge and want to incorporate information, tips, and tricks from the community - however basic they may seem - into a nice reference resource.

Without specifically naming any pieces of gear or brands (this isn’t a product recommendation question), what are some of the biggest tips, tricks, important pieces of info to keep in mind, caveats, etc. that you would have for someone new?

*side note - hopefully this post can also serve as a nice reference point for people in the future, as well!


- Any information lost or distorted at the source cannot be retrieved or “improved” further upstream.

- To one degree or another, everything matters.

- Try (really hard) to attend at least a couple of live acoustic (or at least minimally amplified) music performances before pulling out the credit card.

Good of you to help a friend.  Good luck.

Take anything anybody tells you with a proverbial grain of salt. You'll hear a great many differing opinions.... 

I can only suggest on what not to do:

 Don't listen to neither audiophiles nor salesman at hi-fi shop. 

Everything else is fine.

Two more:

- Ignore the cynics.

- Be careful with the opinions of those who never mention the music. 

" Cynism and sarcasm are often the money of those who borrowed too much and never repaid"-- Anonymus


My brother is almost deaf and he once told me after seeing my audio system and almost laughing at me that we dont need an audio system to hear Bach... 😁