Question: What are some of your best pieces of advise to someone new to the hobby?

I have a friend who is interested in putting together a system and am putting together a little guide for him, compiling information I’ve found over the years, plus some of my own personal tips and tricks. However, I am by no means the end-all-be-all of knowledge and want to incorporate information, tips, and tricks from the community - however basic they may seem - into a nice reference resource.

Without specifically naming any pieces of gear or brands (this isn’t a product recommendation question), what are some of the biggest tips, tricks, important pieces of info to keep in mind, caveats, etc. that you would have for someone new?

*side note - hopefully this post can also serve as a nice reference point for people in the future, as well!


*G* Everyone’s dishing good food for thought tonight....the only caveat I can offer is that it’s highly unlikely that his first foray into the fidelity field will find the flawless answer on his shelves....cabinet....’some means of suspension’...

But to quote S. Smiley.... "’s OK."

One has to have the ’bad experience’ to appreciate the good and the really superlative ones.

Don’t believe all that you hear ’once’ somewhere; like science, it needs to be you, in your space. Be willing to accept the difference(s)....much like a relationship....;) (At least, divorce on this plane will be hopefully cheaper...)

Don’t let Anyone tell you your taste in music is...’questionable’....

I leave this behind as an example... " what I do...."

Have fun, make a memory or so....

Awesome tips so far everyone! Appreciate everyone who has answered so far. There's quite a few basic tips that are popping up very frequently in the replies, which echo a lot of what I was thinking too, which is great!

It can definitely be an overwhelming hobby to jump into with little background knowledge (we've all been there at some point), but having a robust community such as this one to pick the brains of for tips, advice, and guidance is super helpful to eliminate some of the 'noise' and cut through some of the marketing shenanigans.

Look forward to reading more!

Listen, and I mean really listen - you'd be surprised how many people don't.

"I have a friend who is interested in putting together a system"

Not knowing much about your friend, it’s difficult to set priorities about what is important to them: Mac/PC? Dog/cat? Internal combustion/EV? Zappa/Hank Sr. Etc.

I would start by putting your friend in front of the most amazing system you’ve ever heard (within a reasonable commute from your home). This should create a strong emotional response (or, perhaps even loosing control of basic bodily functions) to illustrate what the the "ultimate system" looks and sounds like when it is finished. If the response is similar to the watching the first 12 minutes of any RomCom, perhaps he/she may want to pursue another hobby?

Second, I would make sure they have some "skin in the game." The pursuit of their system has to mean more them than it does to you. The more vested they are in the project, the more they will appreciate it. The more they appreciate it, the more they will enjoy it. And, the more enduring the hobby will be over their lifetime.

.......maybe to first learn the difference between ; advice and advise. In which you could actually do both here with your friend in order to help them build their system. Good luck and have fun doing it.