unclassifiable, original music, and impossible to define in simple terms...

It will be useful to have a location and a thread about music we love without being able to describe it by a conventional tag:




My first example , Revolutionary Army of the Infant Jesus - The Gift of Tears :



Something older and odd that I have not listed to in a long time (until I found the following link on YT).




Thanks, very surprising indeed and i like it...It is the only disco album i will get ... 😊


Something older and odd that I have not listed to in a long time (until I found the following link on YT).




it is very surprizing instrument...

I prefer non amplified instrument...😁

Once this is said the sound is interesting...😊




How about some daxophone, from Hans Reichel?

Hans Reichel

I have one of his discs very interesting. This one is a bit jazzy but definitely it’s own sound.

Lubomyr Melnyk made some interesting pieces although his newer material is more new age. Continuous music theory and many notes.

Lubomyr Melnyk - Wave Lox

Harry Partch and New Band also did quite a bit of instrument invention and also there is this guy who made some fun stuff.

Strange Musical Instruments

Then there is the nightmare machine very cool.

Nightmare Machine

An interesting electronic sound world from 1975

Bernard Parmegiani- De Natura Sonorum

And fall into the musique concrete with Luc Ferrari

Luc Ferrari - Petite Symphony

thanks for the links.