I had Canary Audio 300B Mono amps with a Canary 1800 Dual Preamp. I had a Lampizator Pacific DAC. People kept telling me I should try the Pacific direct to the 300B's but I wouldn't. Then one day, just for the hell of it I did try going DAC to Amps. I was astonished. I thought the sound direct was better. I immediately sold my Preamp and for the next year was a happy camper. Then I sold the Pacific and replaced it with the Lampi Horizon, which has an even better Pre. There have been many debates on WBF with Lampi regarding pre or not to pre. I would say it is 75% Pre to 25% direct to the amp.
I am still running my system without a Pre but I now have Aries Cerat Ianus Essentia mono amps. Although my music sounds great in my opinion, I decided to order an Aries Cerat Ianus Ageto Pre. I am still not convinced my sound will be that much better, but I hope to be proven wrong when I do get the Ageto.