@whitestix Mark, your approach will be (should be) dictated by the type of flooring you have. As you found out with your thick wool carpet having that platform makes sense. What you put under the platform is really your call. I'd encourage you to experiment with platforms of larger square areas and even material...should you be up for it. : )
I know you know this, but writing this out for others who may come across your thread: the reason for the platform is for dispersal of the sound waves from the bottom port (IF the Jazzons / Nenuphars are in a carpeted room, the thicker / deeper the carpet the more critical this becomes).
Regarding the second half of your above post...with respect to the tilted design.
I think we can infer that there were clear headed reasons why Cube chose the design approach they did as they developed these speakers.
HOWEVER, this is a personal hobby and we make our compromises and trade-offs and have our aesthetic preferences.
IF you want your Jazzons LEVEL keep them level.
If, at some point in the future, you want to change things up...it is both an easy fix to make and an easy one to evaluate as an audiophile.