Real or Surreal. Do you throw accuracy out the window for "better" sound?

I visited a friend recently who has an estimated $150,000 system. At first listen it sounded wonderful, airy, hyper detailed, with an excellent well delineated image, an audiophile's dream. Then we put on a jazz quartet album I am extremely familiar with, an excellent recording from the analog days. There was something wrong. On closing my eyes it stood out immediately. The cymbals were way out in front of everything. The drummer would have needed at least 10 foot arms to get to them. I had him put on a female vocalist I know and sure enough there was sibilance with her voice, same with violins. These are all signs that the systems frequency response is sloped upwards as the frequency rises resulting in more air and detail.  This is a system that sounds right at low volumes except my friend listens with gusto. This is like someone who watches TV with the color controls all the way up. 

I have always tried to recreate the live performance. Admittedly, this might not result in the most attractive sound. Most systems are seriously compromised in terms of bass power and output. Maybe this is a way of compensating. 

There is no right or wrong. This is purely a matter of preference accuracy be damn.  What would you rather, real or surreal?


frogman, you are a musician, so you got almost everything wrong. Music is first of all mathematics not art in a usual sense.

What you just said is so completely meaningless and absurd , i think nobody can teach you why in few words...

You get everything in reverse even mathematics... I will not answer... You are a lost cause it seems.. 😊

Alain Connes the creator of non commutative geometry say the exact opposite...Mathematic is musical... Guess why ?😊

I will give you a cue because i cannot explain it in few words...

The music of primes :

Mathematics is not reducible to any logic nor to any algorythmic thinking... It is at the end a creative intuitive ART.... Explaining why will ask for too much space here...

Music perception is not reducible to any acoustic theory and certainly not to the Fourier analysis , it is the reverse, it is acousticians who try to understand musical perception and musical phenomena with their tools  ...

It is more true to describe mathemathics as music than the classical Pythagorean reverse claim that music is mathematical said the French mathematician genius Alain Connes... listen his many deep but hard to grasp , sorry, youtube courses begin with the "the music of shapes" ..

And i recommend to anyone with a strong basis in maths and A.I. to read this Indian scientist, for whom all the cosmos is hierarchies of orchestrated musical time crystals based on the prime numbers distribution matrix ... Read Connes and link him  and his work with Anirban vision...Anirban is no joke, he work with Penrose-Hameroff , developed his own ideas and the first proved that microtubules are quantum computers... He designed the first artificial brain...

His twitter with his book title which is revolutionary ( beware he spoke a worse english than me ) 😊 :

**** Music is first of all mathematics not art in a usual sense. ****

Wow!  Remarkable comment which explains a great deal.


I never met a music lover who didn’t like good sound too. This of course doesn’t mean that they all became audiophiles, most didn’t. When I asked them why not they didn’t know what to say except for usual nonsense like time, money, space etc.

No, that mathematical part doesn’t in fact explain anything when it comes to emotional impact.

Anyway, I’ll remain confused and will keep enjoying what I enjoy no matter what it is.