I appreciate your long and sometimes technical discussion of why diffferent XLR interconnects don’t and shouldn’t matter. Sounds like you have an electrical engineering background.
My generalizations come from listening to a number of high quality components and comparing the sound quality output. The results I have experience are exactly like speaker cables, other interconnects, power cords and Ethernet and USB cables… they sound different when comparing on medium or high quality electronics. Typically better quality ones sound better… but subject the variability of the particular system.
Standards are useful… but typically are suboptimal for high performance anything… high end design engineers are aware of them, and if they do not follow them, it is usually because they get in the way of performance or funtionality.
I really wish I could use cheap XLR interconnects and not take a hit to sonic performance. Each new generation of connection… USB and Ethernet for instance has been the hope that this time it will not matter. Darn if it always does.