Follow up on the Bluesound Node/iFi iPurifier 2 (iFi iPower X)/Chord QuteHD DAC set up. I eventually purchased a used Chord Signature Super ARAY coax cable to connect the Node with my DAC. Super happy with that choice made after carefully comparing about 11 different coax cables in my system. I have done some experimenting with the iPurifier 2 in and out of the circuit, and here is what I have heard and decided.
The Signature Super ARAY coax (an older twin cable version) is a revealing but balanced sounding cable. When connected directly from the Node to my QuteHD DAC, it provides a bright and fast presentation. Leading edges are enhanced, nearly to point of being etched. This works very well for some rock and classical music as the transients and things like violin solos and snare drum hits can be breathtaking. The Signature Super ARAY cable alone complements rather than mitigates the Chord DAC’s focus on details, and while there is almost zero grain with this cable, the combination can become a bit strident on certain electric guitar, piano or vocal passages. This set up is good for impressing myself and others in a short listening session with the dynamic capability of my whole system. For long listening sessions, it can be a bit too much of a good thing.
Adding the iPurifier 2 to the chain calms things down just a bit, and as I described earlier in this thread, the notes have a better flow and the overall sound is more natural and organic. Dynamics are still present, but not in my face (or on my eardrums). Voices sound more like real people, bass remains tight and coherent, and the noise floor seems a bit lower on quiet passages. I put this effect by the iPurifier 2 "fixing" some issues with clocking in the output of the Node. In any case, for most listening, and for all longer listening sessions, I leave the iPurifier 2 in the line and am quite happy. I may try a dedicated LPS for the iPurifier 2 as lowrider suggests as a next move. Because of my positive experience with the iPurifier, I may eventually try a more capable stand alone DDC - although that would mean buying another good quality digital cable...