Speakers versus Balance vs Amplifier

I’ve been leaning towards a Pass amp to try the magic of Class A but couldn’t commit to an amplifier without a “balance” adjustment. Love the reviews of the new Int-60. 

Yet, when I listen to my Mc 252 through my SF Olympia IIIs, I find the “balance” feature is NOT the same as moving my seating position to the midpoint on my loveseat. I always sit on the right side and try to “balance” the sound by increasing the left side volume. 

Should be good, right ?  Most definitely not !!

But, If I just shift my body 15” to the left, center if the of the loveseat, ALL manner of magic happens . . . the music and singer are now right in front of me . . . wide, deep, tall . . . amazing !  No sense of sound on the right or left . . .  mostly just right at me !

I cannot achieve this effect with the “balance” adjustment and I’ve been trying for 4+ years ! ! !

So, maybe I’ll try the Pass amp, forget the balance control and just sit in the middle!

And, yes, I’ve had the speakers and JL subs toed in, straight, toed out, baffles aimed inwards, aimed outwards, etc, etc, etc  

My seat is about 8’ back from the amp (in the center) with the speakers about 5’ to each side !

I guess Nelson knows “balance” adjustments controls just don’t get it . . . . center listening position does ! 

So, do others agree or am I just not smart enough to use the “balance” control feature.

All feedback welcome  BTW, tonight, 54 years since first listened to, I find the musicality of AquaLung still awesome !  The louder the better . . . being 72 still has its benefits . . especially when you’ve got the house to yourself !

Thanks for reading this ramble !



@hickamore - most hearing aids have multiple programs, or different EQ settings, for different circumstances. This will be given names, sometimes like 'music' or 'hi-fi' or some such. How accurate the names are remains to be seen or heard. Whichever you use will still need to be tailored to your specific needs by an audiologist or hearing program.



Before the move, give your wife a huge bouquet of flowers… or if wealthy… some elaborate gift. Make her very happy. Then make the move. Or half the move.


My partner knows this trick (she has a PhD in cognitive psychology)… and looks around to see what is new or moved when I do an unusual gesture… but we laugh about it. It also works. It’s called preconditioning.


Say What ? ! ? 

Can’t wait to try this . . . how can it be ?

Feedback to follow . . but not til first weekend in Nov. 

Thank you !