I do not think anyone has mentioned the Rogers LS3 5A, the little speaker that could. If you have never heard these with properly integrated subwoofers you have no idea what you are missing. We had these set up next to a huge pair of Dunlavys. People routinely would think it was the Dunlavys playing!
And that sirs is the trap. What a system and room looks like and what it sounds like are two entirely different issues. I have heard really tricked out systems/rooms sound like crap. This is not to say Mike's room does not sound good but he does stubbornly refuse to make it sound better over the romantic concept that he has to keep everything analog. It is interesting to see the contrast between Mike and myself, also a Mike. We are polar opposites in so many ways. I am line source Dipole, Mike is Big point source. Mike will spend huge money, I will approach it from a value perspective. Mike has everything on display. I have as much as possible hidden. There is no cable visible until you look behind the speakers. The amps are below in my basement shop. My room is rather plain, I can not stand anything rattling. The only commonality I can see is we both use 8 woofer drivers and both rooms were purpose designed for audio. It would be a lot of fun to take people blindfolded into both rooms, play the same program and see which system they liked better.
There are two diseases that audiophiles routinely catch for which there is no vaccine. There is the Mark Levinson disease, if it costs more it must sound better and the Dan D'Agostino disease, if it looks cool it must sound better.