Goertz still the choice with Vandersteen?

Looking through past threads, it seems Vandy users saw a good fit between solid core wire the likes of Audioquest and anti cable and their Vandys. Also saw threads from the past that Goertz used to be the favorite choice among solid state amp users as well. Anyone with experience can share their thoughts?
Al, Well you put much more thought into that than I would ever have ever dreamed of. Kudos! The cable length did catch my eye as being atypical to say the least.
I was merely trying to put the OP's question in relationship to CTsooner's 04-29-15 post.
In that re: the CTsooners concern about keeping time alignment between all frequencies: the folks at Alpha-Core (Goertz) once told me that they used Thiel loudspeakers. Thiel used to recommend the Goertz cables. Of course when Jim Thiel was still alive and in charge at Thiel, time alignment was one of his priorities.
I have found the Goertz MI cables to work best with my Thiels so far. I have not heard the Goertz cables with Vandersteens (though I've heard many different Vandy's, many times, in many different systems and in many different rooms. Though only speculation, I would think the Goertz speakers cables would work especially well with Vandersteens. Many others that have tried the pairing seem to agree.
Alpha-Core offers a generous return policy, I'd suggest the OP give them a try.
Guys, thanks for clarification. THe conversations I have with this guy are always above my level, but I understand the gist of it. I'll try to be more careful in the future when posting, but I'm glad some of you folks kind of knew what I was trying to say. For some reason, cables have always had a dark cloud around them. I think it's in part because folks don't usually listen to them side by side and just take others words as gospel. Just interesting to me.
All cable sound/act differently on different systems. You have to try them to hear if these cable are to your liking.