I've owned the Silver 5i, RX6, GX200, PL200, and a Radius
The GX200 has a ton of bass and I drove them very easily
with a bel canto c5i integrated amp (NOTE: the GX200 are
8ohm and the RX6 are 4ohm). I'd say the GX200 had 2x more
bass than the RX6 in my room.
So much so that I got rid of my sub.
I only got a more powerful amp when I stepped up to the
The GX200 has a ton of bass and I drove them very easily
with a bel canto c5i integrated amp (NOTE: the GX200 are
8ohm and the RX6 are 4ohm). I'd say the GX200 had 2x more
bass than the RX6 in my room.
So much so that I got rid of my sub.
I only got a more powerful amp when I stepped up to the