Monitor Audio Gold GX300

I am thinking of upgrading my speakers. Currently I own the Monitor Audio RX6. My preamp is a Bryston BP25 and at the moment my amp is a NAD C355BEE but I plan on upgrading that as well (perhaps to Musical Fidelity, Pass Labs, Threshold, Plinius, etc..).

The MA Gold GX300's are on my radar. They seem to get very good reviews. I just wanted to take a poll and see how other people find them to be. The RX6's are fairly balanced and detailed as well as coherent. I'm looking to get more bass extension and even more resolution and more refined sound overall.

I listen to lots of orchestral music as well as jazz, rock and folk music. When I upgrade my amp I will be looking for something on the warm and musical side of the scale rather than neutral.
I've owned the Silver 5i, RX6, GX200, PL200, and a Radius

The GX200 has a ton of bass and I drove them very easily
with a bel canto c5i integrated amp (NOTE: the GX200 are
8ohm and the RX6 are 4ohm). I'd say the GX200 had 2x more
bass than the RX6 in my room.

So much so that I got rid of my sub.

I only got a more powerful amp when I stepped up to the

I think what Bo means is that the GX series is leaps ahead of the gold GS series.