ET LFT-8b owner here for four years and I upgraded to 8c last November. Planar dipoles need room to breathe. I have them 7 ft away from front wall. If you haven't already, move the Maggies out into the room. If the 'detail lost ' still persists, then maybe it is the an issue with the LRS. For the ET 's with the proper placement, soundstage and detail retrieval are the speakers' strong suit. NO ISSUES AT ALL!
I have read opinions from this forum that rate the LFT 8b with the Maggies 3.7, a few steps up from the LRS. The 8c is a whole other animal. I am still learning to optimize the speakers to my room with the added DSP inputs. There is a thread on the audiokarma .org forum that is very useful from 8s onwers, fyi.