The assumption is it’s like buying a Ferrari. But it’s a DAC not a car. It may or may not in fact be like a Ferrari DAC. The devil is always in the details. Generalized analogies based solely on price are theoretical and not necessarily backed up by facts. Just saying. A $25k DAC may or may not outperform the rest significantly.
I heard a pricey and well regarded DCS player and DAC sound exquisite on an overall $100k plus system (VAC and Magicos) once. This was a few years back when DAC technology overall was not as mature as these days so I can cite that as a supporting example of a pricey DAC that I would say clearly earned its price and reputation in the day, but it means absolutely nothing when other gear is substituted merely based on price. Especially these days when dac and streaming technology overall has matured greatly compared to just a few years back.
How does my pretty new $2500 4K TV deliver such a great picture compared to the almost 20 year old plasma set it replaced that I got a good deal on back then for ~$1800? It’s because the digital streaming technology is that much better now. There are even better pictures available for a premium but the differences are very marginal. Same true for digital audio technology these days. It’s harder than ever for premium cost gear to earn its keep because the technology on most merely good quality products is so much higher to start with. So be careful whenever making decisions based solely on cost. It may or may not pan out. Smart buyers should be able to outperform most for less. Or not. I will not make any absolute claims. The devil is always in the details