rocket 88

I have a pair of 12 ft Rocket 88's with the DBS attached.

I want to buy another pair to biwire my B&W's 802's. I have a change to get 10ft rocket 88's with the dbs. Does the 2 ft difference matter?

Could I get rocket 88's 12 ft without the dbs?



I know you're more concerned about DBS, but equal lengths might be desired too. I’ve been told by a rep that AQ will shorten cables if you mail them in. Might be worth inquiring with AQ!

Maybe cables matter, but y'all understand that bi-wiring does absolutely nothing, right? You're still sending a full-range signal down both pairs, the crossovers still do their low-pass/high-pass roles. And at 10-12 ft the series resistance is still a small fraction of the series resistance of the low-pass inductor. 


Maybe cables matter, but y’all understand that bi-wiring does absolutely nothing, right? You’re still sending a full-range signal down both pairs, the crossovers still do their low-pass/high-pass roles. And at 10-12 ft the series resistance is still a small fraction of the series resistance of the low-pass inductor.

If the speaker wires are separated at each of the crossover input leads, the amplifier will indeed still send full-range signal to it’s own output jacks, but shouldn’t the same capacitance that prevents current flow for low frequencies from going to the tweeter also prevent those frequencies from traveling down the respective wire at wherever they junction at the amplifier outputs? As in, essentially becoming an extension of the capacitor circuit leads? (and then the inverse to the woofer due to the inductance on the woofer speaker wire?)

To the OP, I wouldn’t think a 2 foot length would make an audible difference.


Short answer: "No. There won't be an audibile difference"  Premium cables have gotten quite expensive and you have a chance to buy a pair of 10' factory-terminated Rocket 88's at the right price, you should go for it.

fyi- I upgraded the internal cabling of my speakers with Rocket 88 year ago.  It was well worth the time, and money.  Also, I have decades of experience with Audiopquest (semi-retired, but still a dealer on the books) and have been a fan of DBS since it's introduction.  I'm sure there are situations where the DBS difference isn't perceptable.  I just haven't come across one, yet.