New computer for Streaming????

Just received a few days ago and have 10 hours listening, thus far,a Bricasti M1 SE DAC with streamer.. My OLD OLD computer that was used for USB streaming doesn't have the innards for Qobuz and audirvana.   This will be my first taste of actual streaming via Ethernet. ( that all say is to die for vs USB)  I'm looking at Apple Mac Books, as my dealer says is superior for streaming music, much quieter???? However, should I desire to Hard wire it via Ethernet i would need an adapter, C to Ethernet, not a big issue. I have always had a Windows based computer. (except for an apple I phone)  I was hoping as this is my first foray into actual streaming, someone  could help with, which is better or doesn't make a difference, personal preference etc????  Any help would be much appreciated a s usual. Robert TN     PS   which would be easier to use, example, downloading Qobuz and Aurirvana.


Your dealer is terribly mistaken. PCs are terrible streamers.

I have for over fifteen years tried all forms of streamers… PCs (with all sorts of modifications), MacBooks, iPads, inexpensive combined units. Finally dedicated streamers from $3K to $22K. Dedicated streamers are the only way to get great sound.which, dependson the rest of your system. If your average component is $200 then a MacBook is fine. But if you have more than midfi components and an interest in good sound quality you want a dedicated streamer. If you have a very modest system a blue sound streamer will do. If you have a better system the carefully choosing a streamer at the same investment level as your DAC, preamp, and amp is appropriate. My streamer and amp are the most expensive components in my system (see my user ID for my virtual systems).


Get a dedicated streamer. It will have access directly to Qobuz. So you just use your iPad to access the streamer… log on to your Qobux once the first time and you navigate with your iPad from then on. I recommend Aurender streamers. They make some of the best… their flagship is typically used in most demos at shows. Mine sounds the same as my really good analog system. 

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I run Roon with a Linux server in another floor than the streamer. My PC’s, phones and tablets don’t actually stream anything, they just run the control app.

Any mini PC in a box with 4 GB of RAM can be turned into a Roon core.

You have a Bricasti M1SE with a network card? All you need is MConnect app on your phone or iPad and a Qobuz account. Don’t use computer for streaming. If you decide to go with Roon, use computer to run Roon Core. But don’t use it for streaming. The built in network renderer in the Bricasti is far superior. 

Why do you need computer for streaming if your Bricasti has streamer, as you mentioned?