Storing Cd's on Hard Disk


What kind of quality CD driver is needed to rip CD's to HD?

Does the quality of the driver have an impact on the end result if one is saving in a lossless format?

I have read comments that using the CD driver of a Mac is as good as any CD transport if objective is to rip to HD.

Comments welcomed as intend to load all my CD's to HD in the near future.

Tbg, I'm not clear about what you are saying. You re-ripped nearly all of your discs -- why? And what did you do differently the second time?
Well thanks for the comments, very useful.

What about this configuration :

Mini Mac
Remote iTouch
HD storage 2To (a freind of mine will copy 500Mo of apple lossless music (>80 days...)+ my own CD collection say 400ish.
USB Dac to say wavelength (maybe with silver?)

To replace a Reimyo CDP-777


And take it form there
Tim - home run.

Talk to Gordon about the silver/no silver and your tastes

Just be sure to have a second hard drive to back up the first. Given how inexpensive hard drives are, I would recommend Terabyte drives. Buy the enterprise rated drives not the consumer models. Check newegg dot
My two cents about the drives--Seagate makes a double platter 750 gig drive for less than $100. In general, they are much more reliable than the terabyte drives.



Drubin, yes all discs were redone using the Millennium mat. The sound was more dynamic and the sound stage more encompassing with the disc used while ripping, strange as that seems.