Any new cartridge needs proper alignment, do you have the few inexpensive tools and skills to do it yourself?
MM RED is an Elliptical
In any case, noise or not: I suggest you upgrade to an advanced stylus shape, i.e. Microline, SAS, Shibata
I always recommend this Microline for darn good/not too expensive, (and it has wide channel separation and tight channel balance for improved imaging):
Deeper in the grooves; more edge profile contact surface with the groove both can improve the signal to noise factor.
Both lp grooves and stylus edges last longer when using advanced stylus shape.
Noise: Perhaps your cleaner is good for nearly new LPs.
I Manually SCRUB the heck out of my old beat up lps from the 60’, record store/garage sale finds. Surprisingly quieter. You might try a few, see if they get a lot less noisy
A kit like this:
look at photo, I use the kit’s fluid container only for final distilled water rinse, having viscously scrubbed with a baby scalp brush (protect paper label with lid from soup container).
A lot more work than an automatic machine, but amazing reduction in noise.
I listen while cleaning a batch of ten, takes the tedium away.