What is the future for Proac Speakers ?

I have always enjoyed their speakers and have owned them in the past. However, from what I have heard, they are no longer being imported into the US due to distribution problems, the main engineer is no longer there and Mr. Tyler's future is in question. I also see an increase in Proac's being sold here on Audiogon. Does anybody know what's going on at Proac ????
...I am not saying in anyway they are defunct or going under....just looking to see if anybody knows what's going on with them .....and say if I did buy a pair and something went wrong....where would a buyer find any re-course ?
I don't think there is any problem. Companies lose distributors. It happened with Spendor a few years ago until they where picked up by another one. I took a look at their site and it looks like they have many new products, so I doubt they are folding. You should shoot them an Email if you are concerned about it and I am sure they will give you the low down on the situation.
"You should shoot them an Email if you are concerned about it and I am sure they will give you the low down on the situation.
Yogiboy (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

A business will never tell you that they're in trouble. They keep stuff like that a secret for as long as possible.
I agree that many companies change distributors, sometimes things improve afterwards, sometimes not. I would not have a problem with the Email approach. Feedback value will much depend on nature of question(s) asked. To ask if they are in trouble will not likely garnish much towards satisfying any concerns.
A quick google search revealed to me that there's only been one Proac dealer for the last 30 years and it's Modern Audio: http://proac-usa.com/.

There've been other threads elsewhere where the same question has come up through the years.

All the best,