Why Streaming Service Sounds ‘Flat’ vs Tune In /Local FM /Radio Paradise

I use a Bluesound Node, first or second gen I believe.

I use the S/PDIF output feeding my Esoteric K-07X CD/DAC using it as a DAC.

I find that CD’s, most things using Tune In, and local FM listening sound better than  streaming either Tidal or Qobuz. 

For the life of me, I can’t figure why that might be, since all are using the K-07X internal DAC. I can understand the CD, as it’s internal, with no S/PDIF cable to possibly muck things up. FWIW, I’m using the Illuminati/Kimber D-60 as my digital cable.

Any thoughts appreciated.


The primary issue is your streamer. Better streamers sound better up to the point your DAC or some other part of your system gets in the way.

On my systems CDs sound the same as Qobuz streaming of the same resolution. Streaming can sound better since Qobuz has over half a million high res albums, streaming can sound better on those. Also, in general, different channels, like paradise sound the same as other channels (I do not listen to other channels a lot… but when I have explored, I noticed no difference).

I recommend, as a starting point, to have best of class components at the same investment level across your system. For me, mine are like that with the streamer and amp about 20% above the component cost of the DAC, preamp, and phonostage.

Sources such as Radio Paradise and FM stations are compressed and go through signal processing to various degrees. Many listeners prefer that.

This doesn't make sense.  I had a bluesound node and used both tidal and qobuz and they sounded better than radio and in fact better than CD when the CDs were played on a tradional player.  Had to switch to a CD transport.  then I oculdn't really tell the difference between CD and streaming on that rig.


I’m wondering if @cleeds isn’t closer to the truth, especially if the OP is listening to music at low levels and/or in the background.

What the OP needs then is a loudness button.