It's rather off-putting when the 'cable topic' (or whatever is being discussed, dis'd, or cussed over) that the tendency is to turn on each other... 😒😔
@mahgister I can appreciate your somewhat more 'classical education' in that it gave you a broader view and scope to allow the potential to strike out into further 'realms'. Additional languages allow one to have a different POV, rather than being locked into ones' native tongue...
Lucky you...I'll admit to a tang of jealousy on that....*G*👍
I've tried in my own wayward way to look through the oil on the surfaces to have a mindset of a more fluid fashion....perhaps it shows in my anguish english and outright abuse of it. *L*
....sometimes....the penchant for wrangling over the differences of perception of the varied means and methods of enjoying (or not) drives me more into 'the silence of the keys'. Or the desire to make a pointed 'comment' that would further brand me an odd sort of troll/miscreant....
I don't know everything...and personally, thankfully, proud of it.
Otherwise, hanging 'round A'gon....would be the needle-less haystack.
When it's good, it's very good....brilliant at times.
When sunk to rancor and attacks....
" And the boy who kicked Tom's head in
Still bugs me now
That's the thing, it lingers
And claws you when you're down
I was far too scared to hit him
But I would hit him in a heartbeat now
That's the thing with anger
It begs to stick around
So it can fleece you of your beauty
And leave you spent with nowt to offer
Makes you hurt the ones who love you