You are right for sure....Completely right ...
Once this is said, with a so clear conscience and a well behaved and a clairvoyant one , no doubts, how do you sleep
with peace in your own bed ?
May i remember all the list of crimes going on all around the world right now who appear justified for one conscience and not so well justified for another ?
And how about this case :
I spoke one time with a rich person a customer in the same bookstore as me in 1976 , a very rich one, who with me assisted to the stealing of a book , by a young student who was catched on the spot near us , a very poor one , and this very rich person judged the thief very harshly indeed ... It was the same discourse as yours .... the book value was very high in the philosophy section and i thought for myself that nobody steal a philosophy book to resell it, it is like a piece of bread, you steal it because you need it and you are dying of hunger to read it and cannot afford it ...I am pretty sure it was the case ...It is anyway a thief here no doubt ...
How do you judge this poor student? Do you judge it as hashly as those who buy audio cables with a fraud name written on them ? Do you judge the student as the rich customer judge him very harsly on the spot who himself can buy anything , I am curious ...
Did you sleep well the day were some government lied and killed hundred of thousand of people ? What about that ? What about your own mirror the day after the killings? Did you clearly had denounced this government of crimes against humanity at least on some forum ?
And now how about the "crimes" of Julian Assange ?
These four different exemples reveal to us as hard for a wise man could be judging others as hard it is in reality ;and how easy it could be too for some others wise men to pass judgement ...
So easy that they will sleep well after passing their judgement because they are so right ...And they can be ...
Now how about a much less clear and less evident case of POSSIBLE stealing, lying, manipulating ,killing and abuse of power by authorities as in the last three years ?
How did you, with your very elevated mind and conscience, acted about it and how do you judge the different perpetrators ? it is not an easy case but it can be a clear one for many people though not so clear for many others...
The most deep and pragmatic judgement i ever read was in the scriptures, and i am not "religious" at all; it was the parable about the beam and the straw :
Jesus says: "The straw that is in thy brother’s eye, though seest; but the beam that is in thine own eye, thou seest not! When thou hast cast out the beam that is in thine own eye, then thou wilt see to cast out the straw from thy brother’s eye."
It seems an awful lot of people are ok with stealing, as they justify it with a number of ethical and moral gymnastics. Outsmarting right vs. wrong is laughable. They’re thieves, plain and simple. Anyone who knowingly assists the thieves in profiting from their crimes is no better, no matter how much BS they shovel on their actions to try hiding the truth. It’s amoral.
Stealing is stealing, whether it’s a penny or a million dollars. You took something that didn’t belong to you without permission. If you find that behavior acceptable, simply because a particular instance benefits you, your morals are for sale. That means you have none. Anyone who is offended by hearing that should be more offended by the face in the mirror. I would rather be poor and honest. My conscience wouldn’t have it any other way.