Why Streaming Service Sounds ‘Flat’ vs Tune In /Local FM /Radio Paradise

I use a Bluesound Node, first or second gen I believe.

I use the S/PDIF output feeding my Esoteric K-07X CD/DAC using it as a DAC.

I find that CD’s, most things using Tune In, and local FM listening sound better than  streaming either Tidal or Qobuz. 

For the life of me, I can’t figure why that might be, since all are using the K-07X internal DAC. I can understand the CD, as it’s internal, with no S/PDIF cable to possibly muck things up. FWIW, I’m using the Illuminati/Kimber D-60 as my digital cable.

Any thoughts appreciated.


Wait a minute. The OP says some streams do sound good. I can personally attest that the Jazz Groove is one of the better online stations, and if you subscribe you can get a FLAC stream from them. I agree that the Node is not the finest streamer and should be replaced, but it does not explain why Tidal and Qobuz sound flat. Any chance that the higher resolution streams from Tidal/Qobuz are being modified  by the DAC? Might be worth double-checking the Esoteric manual and configuration. 


#1 I have an Innuos Zenith mk3.  It sounds wonder, have Tidal and Qobuz built in, and the Sense App is great.


I also have the Innuos zenith mk3 streamer and concurr the sense app is terrific. However, my Innuos does not support wifi, it is strictly ethernet connection, so no good for the OP's situation.