Why Streaming Service Sounds ‘Flat’ vs Tune In /Local FM /Radio Paradise

I use a Bluesound Node, first or second gen I believe.

I use the S/PDIF output feeding my Esoteric K-07X CD/DAC using it as a DAC.

I find that CD’s, most things using Tune In, and local FM listening sound better than  streaming either Tidal or Qobuz. 

For the life of me, I can’t figure why that might be, since all are using the K-07X internal DAC. I can understand the CD, as it’s internal, with no S/PDIF cable to possibly muck things up. FWIW, I’m using the Illuminati/Kimber D-60 as my digital cable.

Any thoughts appreciated.


I also have the Innuos zenith mk3 streamer and concurr the sense app is terrific. However, my Innuos does not support wifi, it is strictly ethernet connection, so no good for the OP’s situation.

There’s an easy workaround by using either a Wi-Fi extender or Mesh system and run an Ethernet cable from that to the Innuos. This has the significant added benefit of sounding much better than using Wi-Fi over the air. Actually the OP should try this with his Node as it’d likely provide a nice performance boost. 

That's how my Innuos is connected, hard wired to a wifi extender. OP should definitely consider innuos since the sense app is at least as good as bluos which is a major factor to him. Many other brands listed here are sadly lacking in app performance as reviews attest.

My lack of funds, at the moment, is keeping me from buying a new streamer. I decided to try using my computer for streaming, via a USB B connection to the native DAC in my amp. I am also running my internet via ethernet cables to the PC. I found this arrangement to sound flat even compared to streaming Bluetooth into the same DAC. I then purchased an inexpensive, direct from the PRC, jitter filter. Significant improvement in sound. Playing Amazon Ultra HD tracks now compares well to my okay CD transport and at times exceeds it when 24/96 Flack files are available.