Is there miracles in audio experience ?

Is there miracles in audio experience ?
For me there is miracles...
Any scientific observed phenomenon is a miracle...
The "law" or the principle guided experiment coming from it describe the phenomena and make us able to predict some aspect of it but WHY is this so is not explained ...
And we can also be amazed by any scientific predicted fact ....
The fact that the sun is here after the moon each day is a miracle even if we are able to explain it by the stability of orbits ... How these orbits can be so stable anyway is also a matter of mathematical amazement ...
Only idiots are never amazed by anything ...They think that they understood already 😁...
Ultimately we dont understand reality , this is the truth , and knowing why we dont understand, even when many think they do or in spite of the fact that many dont even are bothered by the mysteries , is the root of any scientific progress ...
Myself i am amazed by Helmholtz resonators... A simple and paradoxically at the same time very complex fact in acoustic...
My speakers which are Helmholtz resonators indeed as any speakers are , very small one with 4 inches woofer drivers, were modified by me with a bundle of straws with different lenghts inserted in the rear porthole ...
The result is a miracle ...( with other less spectacular but efficient modifications and optimization i added )
I go near 50 hertz now with a speakers specs officially marked 80 hertz...
I dont need a sub now to listen music ... my speakers are low cost M-audio AV 40 which i bought 12 years ago and which i disliked for all this time in spite of their positive reviews which were the reason why i bought them ...I never use them for music BEFORE optimizing them ...They cost peanuts ...😊
They are now after acoustic controls and treatment so good they fill the small room ...Now i love them ...
Miracles are simply sets of natural facts in which we participate as an active element... ...It is call science , spirituality and music and acoustic working together ...
Fell free to communicate your own " miracle" experience ...

@cleeds @waytoomuchstuff indeed….perhaps the very reason i return here"now and again….

i believe in “ flow “ a transcendent state ( perhaps of 2X on a great system ? )…. but it can appear and collapses at the muse’s whim….. I understand the Dylan quote on several different levels… the creative act is ( for me anyway ) rarely 100% conscious….

great thread @magister my advice is ignore the grammatical nit pickers….

Life is a miracle. As a matter of fact all manifested phenomenon are miracles. As stated above, all true creativity is miraculous.

As an art photographer I gradually became aware of the fleeting miracles that could be captured on film. Minor White said, "The spirit will wait on the artist" until he/she has registered the phenomenon. How true I found that to be.

As a performing musician the communication that can be sensed and understood is truly a miracle. All the hard work is rewarded.

I have achieved a miracle with my listening room acoustics and speakers and amplification and wiring that defies analysis, but heard it immediately when I stumbled upon it.

I recently upgraded a power supply and it sounds like I changed two major components. I am still scratching my head over this one.

Attune yourself to the mysteries for the richest living. Every minute contains miracles.

I do not know if I would call them miracles.  Magic is more like it. The most seemingly insignificant adjustment when everything seems to align harmoniously and brings amazement to the experience is where I am coming from.

I’m familiar with the following miracles:

Joey DeFracesco -- a raw talent from few years old started playing organ and never stopped till the his heart beat ended.

Bireli Lagrene -- another miracle

Frank Zappa...

All these 3 musicians never started from sheet music or learning music theories, but yet able to bring LOTS of it from the depth of their souls

I’ve been practicing instruments by ear, but to achieve such virtuoso perfection like three above I’ve mentioned, I should’ve really started thinking about going through music theories to help myself to get to that level I’ve been dreaming from childhood to become musician.

Anyways if dream of musician comes true, it’s definitely a miracle -- a miracle that didn't unfortunately happen to me.

My miracles appear on those occasions when I have found myself so involved in the music that I no longer hear anything related to the performance of my audio system. It truly is a revelatory experience, and unfortunately somewhat rare. It is somewhat analogous to my emotional response to a day on a mountain with powder snow or fly fishing. I'm so blown away by the activity that the rest of my world doesn't exist. This state of mind is, I think, what I live for! :-)