You can get as much bass as you want with open just need more woofer area than a woofer in a box. The Caladan with its two 12s has great bass for most people. You can also do the open baffle servo subs and get 15 hz. You can use 6 12s in a stack on each side and a line source of planars to the ceiling and digital xover and biamped and have a speaker that costs less than $10K and is better than most Wilson or Vivid (overall). If you can afford Wilson or Vivid, you certainly have the living room space to put the speaker out where they belong. Wilsons and Vivids sound way better when they are WAY out in the room. Open baffle speakers can image like crazy.....but you have to know what you are doing to make it work. Look at the IO Design speaker from Italy. No baffles at all......and great sound and imaging.
There are those that put the woofers in a box and have open baffle mids and highs. This way you get more bass out of a smaller driver. The Qualio IQ comes to mind. Great speaker.....and with mods would be world class.
There is no "system". The ego makes limitations. The mind and heart explores all possibilities and does so experientially.