New speakers unveiled from Clayton Shaw - Caladan

As I understand it, Clayton developed these speakers after he parted with Spatial Audio.  At a cost of ~$3K, which is astounding, and a beautify wood baffle, they look sensational.  I heard the sound of them in the video below on my cans and was super-impressed.  They go very low in response as well. I can't wait to hear more reviews of them as I am sure that they will be excellent performers for a really affordable price.  You have lived until you have had OB speakers in your room, which is just my humble opinion.





You can get as much bass as you want with open just need more woofer area than a woofer in a box. The Caladan with its two 12s has great bass for most people. You can also do the open baffle servo subs and get 15 hz. You can use 6 12s in a stack on each side and a line source of planars to the ceiling and digital xover and biamped and have a speaker that costs less than $10K and is better than most Wilson or Vivid (overall). If you can afford Wilson or Vivid, you certainly have the living room space to put the speaker out where they belong. Wilsons and Vivids sound way better when they are WAY out in the room. Open baffle speakers can image like crazy.....but you have to know what you are doing to make it work. Look at the IO Design speaker from Italy. No baffles at all......and great sound and imaging.

There are those that put the woofers in a box and have open baffle mids and highs. This way you get more bass out of a smaller driver. The Qualio IQ comes to mind. Great speaker.....and with mods would be world class.

There is no "system". The ego makes limitations. The mind and heart explores all possibilities and does so experientially.

Not sure how this disintegrated into a peeing contest, but somehow it did. Clayton appears to be making high quality OB speakers at a very fair price, we should hope that more manufacturers did the same....for our pocket books sake.

Are the speakers perfect? I seriously doubt it, but I put my $3,000 on the table to be able to see for myself, in my system. I'm perfectly comfortable to take a chance, especially from someone with a well known track record like his. I already know he uses high quality components, because they are exposed and not buried in a cabinet.

Will they compare to a $20,000 pair of Kaya or Wilsons? God I would think not, otherwise some owners have a serious gripe. And yes OB has it's strengths and weaknesses, but imaging and soundstage are not two of them.

I think "loss leader" was meant as a compliment, these seem like an evolution of the M3 Sapphires which started a little under 5k I think.  So at 3k that's a pretty good deal, and I suspect prices will go up as he makes further refinements and cosmetic updates.  The current X4 from Spatial starts at $7,800 and they are discontinuing their entry level Q series so it will be a while before Clayton's new company is competing directly with Spatial.  Perhaps this was part of the separation agreement.  

I think my point is pretty clear and I stated it was just my opinion. Second point was to see how long it would take for someone who disagreed with me to start hurling disparaging personal insults. Didn’t take long did it??

@woodsage Well, I hope your woodworking skills are better than your writing skills because if you were more lucid upfront this would’ve never been an issue unless your initial goal was to intentionally stir the pot, which is another issue entirely.  I hope it’s the former and that you maybe take some writing classes to learn how to write what you really mean to say.  Good communication is a valuable skill to have, especially here.


For any faults the X3 might have had, bass response and accuracy was not any part of it. Truly world class bass from that speaker.