Tube amp to drive Dali ms5

So body help me.Thanks
This speaker is not the best combination with tubes as it is low impedance (4 ohms) and low efficiency (86 db; their website claims a sensitivity of 89 db, but when you correct for the 4 ohm impedance and calculate for power rather than voltage the 86 db figure is correct).

So unless you have a small room you need a lot of power (200 watts or more) and tube power is expensive. However with the right amp I would expect it to be impressive- Dali makes very good loudspeakers.

Because you need some power, the larger VTL, Convergent, Atma-Sphere or possibly ARC amplifiers are the sort of thing you want to consider.

If you have a smaller room it might be a very different story... how big is your room and how lively is it?
so maybe I should go solid state what are your recommendations in brands that might match up with the speakers