Can you touch the tubes?

I was talking to someone at the tube store about replacing some KT 150 tubes and he said it was perfectly fine to touch the tubes.

I've always thought you're supposed to handle these things very carefully with white gloves or a microfiber cloth.

Handling them with my fingers makes it easier to pull them out , insert them more securely.

Does it really matter if my fingerprints get on the glass or should I clean them off with a microfiber cloth after I touch them?


I have the Audio Research Ref 750s and they have about 36 KT150s. I use my bare hands. Never had a problem. Oh and about white gloves ? Never ever white gloves. Only use black gloves. 😂

I believe this train of thought comes from warnings on head light bulbs in the auto industry.

Quote: When changing the headlight, highbeam or foglight bulb on your vehicle, it is of paramount importance that you not touch the glass part of the bulb with your bare fingers. Oils on you hands will cause the section of the bulb that you touched to get much hotter than other areas of the bulb and will lead to the bulb burning out much quicker. If you do happen to touch the glass part of the bulb, take a solvent like rubbing alcohol and clean the globe thoroughly before installing it in your vehicle. This will remove the oil and the unwanted hotspots.

Wash your hands 1st will minimize oil and give you a better grip. If you can, avoid touching the identifying markings on the glass. If you do, lack of oil will be beneficial.

Whether base or not, use the lower hand for the lifting force, and the other hand on the top, applying any needed minimal movement to help the pins slide up.

The bases are glued on, to give you something to grab/lift. they are no part of the vacuum seal of the glass. The glass may also be broken, a separate issue. If a base becomes loose or partially loose, the tube may be fine. IOW, you still have a working unit. Then you are faced with the decision: buy a pair or quad pair of matched tubes, and keep the loose base as a spare if needed, so you are not without music.

btw, tube testers usually have a few size tube pin straighteners.