
Two Universal Players out there.  One is going for $1500 U.S., the other for 3K. I watched the YouTube review of the UDP 900 and the settings menu looks identical to the settings menu for my Oppo 105 and 203.

  Does anyone have any experience with them?


Sony refused to make their players compatible with DVD-A for the longest time, only relenting after DVD-A began to die as a format.  I have a Pioneer Elite that plays Blu Ray, DVD and SACD but it was discontinued years ago.  It also does a DSD to PCM conversion for SACD

I now own a Magnetar UDP 900. It is a real boat anchor. The transport is eons faster than anything else on the market and as a music transport is all you could ask for. I can’t speak to the DACs as I do not use them. What really sets it apart is the picture. Is it perfect? No. The buttons are too small and hard to find in the dark. I do not care for the front panel aesthetics. The remote is not backlit. In short if you have a high end system and need a universal transport you have no where else to go. The Panasonic is a tinker toy in comparison. 

I now own a Magnetar UDP 900. It is a real boat anchor. The transport is eons faster than anything else on the market and as a music transport is all you could ask for. I can’t speak to the DACs as I do not use them. What really sets it apart is the picture. Is it perfect? No. The buttons are too small and hard to find in the dark. I do not care for the front panel aesthetics. The remote is not backlit. In short if you have a high end system and need a universal transport you have no where else to go. The Panasonic is a tinker toy in comparison.

@mijostyn , Cool, good to know, I guess i’ll hop on the Magnetar bandwagon myself shortly. I am a sucker for them heavy thangsss.

I will be interested in the feedback.

@mijostyn can you comment on SACD, DVD-A, or Blu Ray Audio on this player?  What DAC are you using?


It will output DVD A and Blu Ray audio via the digital output and they sound great. It will only output SACD through it's analog output and I have not listened extensively to that yet. I only have about twenty SACDs and I avoid them now because of this problem. 

I use a digital signal processing preamp which includes sub crossovers and the necessary four DAC channels. Currently I am using a very inexpensive MiniDSP SHD which has DACs that are substandard for my system and are a bit grainy. My old TacT processor died and I needed a cheap substitute. I have a new DEQX Pre 8 coming any day now which has a full 4 way crossover and 8 DAC channels. It is also a $13,000 unit of the highest quality and should be wonderful.