Have you found your "End-Game" speakers yet? I have. And it feels so good!!!

Yes indeed.  Several years ago, the absolutely incredible Revel Salon 2 speakers finally took me off the speaker merry-go-round.  I do believe that I'll be taking my Revel Salon 2 speakers to the grave with me.  What's your end-game speakers?


I suppose my audio obsession has changed from "petal to the metal, racing fuel, throwing maximum boost and timing at it, tettering right on the edge of blowing something up" to "adaptive cruise control" where I’m just safely and quietly integrating with the speed of the "traffic" around and ahead of me.

I designed and built my own speakers 32 years ago. They’ve been by my side (actually in front) thru the good stuff, and the bad stuff. The definition of the true friend. Dependable. Reliable. Loyal. Enduring. They’re not going anywhere. They have more than their share of sonic "warts", but do get some things right. My wife of 31 years still likes them. (And, me.  Fortunately).

On my 3rd crossover upgrade/rebuild. If some "newer thinking" grabs my attention, their could be a 4th. 



I consider my Maggie 3.7's to be endgame.  But whenever I go to Axpona, there is always another one that trips my trigger.

I'll hold and fold with my 4 large Heils.....play around with whatever I run into that can keep up with them....*S*

Other than those, I’ve got my DIY Walshs’ to play and continue to perfect. One can spend another lifetime in that pursuit. ;))

The only way it seems that y’all will ever get to hear a pair...or 4...😏....may be a signed and numbered set from a very limited production...

The only thing that could divert would be a winning ’big’ Lotto....

Then, I might consider buying Ohm, and getting back to build them with a ’proper’ Walsh driver....or two....three....sub....*LOL*

12 years on I have no desire to upgrade my Ohm Walsh 2000s, each paired with a Vandersteen 2Wq subwoofer. If I win the lottery, sure, I would start auditioning. But nothing I have heard under $12,000 the pair makes me want to upgrade. And, yes, it feels effing fantastic!

I build and design my own loudspeaker systems.
One of my builds was loosely based upon the Wilson X1 Grand SLAMM and was featured as part of my then system, in the UK HiFi Magazine HiFi News & Record review; the April 2002 issue.
Unfortunately I had to decommission the system when forced to sell my house.
Hopefully in late 2024 or early 2025 I will have some stability back.
Once this situation has been resolved, I will commence building a real successor, a 4 tower system somewhat larger than my X1 type build which will use massive subwoofer towers reaching below 10Hz. I have been working on this design for the last 3 years. 
Current speakers being used in separate systems are Yamaha NS1000s and Graham Audio  LS5/1s