I have been an audiophile the last 20 years for the last 5 years I have worked with Infigo Audio as my industry affiliation.  It’s been my experience in business and audio conversations that there are 2 areas that are interesting. When giving opinions many audiophiles try to come off smarter than the people they are talking to. Also in conflict resolution if you have disagreements they are more willing to go to extremes. Has anyone else experienced this.  Some seem like they can tell you what to do? How to post etc. which to me is crazy. Most of us are 30, 40, 50, 60,70 plus.  Thoughts everyone?


@kennyc i was able to have access to the best equipment because I worked with a guy that was in the industry. He would take things on trade and I would have 60-90 day demos if equipment that back then I couldn’t afford. It was an eye opener. I had the Veloce ls1 in my home for 90 days on my Vienna acoustics and the transparency and soundstage was stunning and musical. From there I got more demos and stuff got better and better. A later could afford more high end and now I can buy what I want. Yes I work with Infigo Audio but I git it because it sounds amazing to me. It had the qualities of the best stuff I heard. Access to high end equipment or at least hearing it is very important in the journey. 

@uncledemp I agree with your theory 100%. The man boys that come at folks in most cases for no reason other than offering an opinion or choice of purchase with nasty,snarky remarks would never do that to another mans face. I can only deduce these are "males" that have found a safe place to pound their chest without the possible consequence in a face to face setting. I've worked around other MEN all my life and I've seen the real world outcomes of someone disrespecting other men. I think at its core you are spot on and glad someone finally said it and I have been on the same page for a long time. 

I agree with a great many posts here.  I will add that this is a male dominated hobby, and one with a strong subjective streak.  While most people in it are thoughtful and tolerably civil, the fact that audio is male dominated leads to the Alpha continually wanting to come out.  It can be an expensive hobby, and the alpha traits that led to success in the material world can be further accentuated.

  On the Internet, lack of in person contact loosens the tendency to be aggressive.  If a group of alpha males were in a pub together having the same debate, someone with a sneering attitude might find themselves missing a few teeth.

@balooo2  @mahler123     thats why I’m careful. I’m old school. I don’t talk to men a certain way or disrespect their character because the era I’m from you will get Batman sound effects POW! for doing that. It’s been my experience that people that do that are privileged brats who won’t say stuff like that to a real man to his face. I try not to deal with them because if they don’t understand that then we ain’t gonna work.  Then on top of that it’s audio. To disrespect someone in the audio realm like this. You are a special one! I grew up in a place where you just didn’t do that. I seen a guy get knocked out in a barber chair for slick talking. Some of these guys are thumb thugging at an all time high!

When I was a teenager, I smarted off to a guy at a stoplight. He put his car in park, walked over and slapped me. Slapped the words right out of my mouth and taught  me a lesson. Today I’m sure the guy would be in jail because he slapped someone’s precious baby. 

My mother used to warn me about people in my hometown by saying, ‘be careful, he will hurt you’, and I left them alone, haha. 

Another sign of danger would be an axe handle in a rifle rack visible through the back window of a pickup. Guns were for hunting, an axe handle sent another message. School was uphill both ways, too!