Of interest is that you mapped out the "golden triangle" and then didn’t adhere to it.
Thanks @aewarren & @ervikingo. I experimented with that a while ago. If you take a look at my second sketch, you’ll notice the ’golden ratio triangle’ where 0.448W and 0.276W align exactly with your numbers. Unfortunately, I’m not fond of this arrangement. Firstly, it utilizes only 6% (17 square feet) of my entire room space (280 square feet) for the listening area within the equilateral triangle. If I place my Poang chair with an ottoman in that listening position, my feet would almost touch the speaker plane. It feels quite cramped. Secondly, I found the speakers and stands to be extremely intimidating. I didn’t enjoy the setup at all, and I couldn’t sense a spacious soundstage in such a small space. I must admit it’s a setup that I find rather impractical. I apologize for the strong language, but that’s my honest feeling about it.