You don't say if you are MM or MC.
I would go with a nice used Thorens, a Darlington Labs MP-7, and whatever MM cart you can afford with what's left.
Also what yogiboy said and maybe check out Micro-Seiki.
Nice vintage $2k Turntable, cartridge, and phono stage
I currently have a current version Rega P3, I am looking to make a change. I have been drawn recently to vintage turntables especially with wooden plinths. The looks of the turntable are important (maybe more than they should be). I would like a good looking TT with a modern phono stage, used is fine, and a good quality cartridge. I’d be happy with a “good” not necessarily great sounding setup to go with my Simaudio integrated and KEF R5 speakers.
Anyone have any experience they can share?
$2K is not going to pay for a PBN refurbished DP80. And most DP 80s are now 40+ years old, so they’ll need at least some TLC unless the previous owner has seen to it. So far as I can determine, DP75 is so close to the DP80 as to be indistinguishable. And yes, these are fantastic TTs for their current market values. You’ll need to spend a bit extra on isolation, as well. Tomic, Did you really pay only $309 for a DP80 with a Black Widow tonearm? If so, and if the DP80 was in good working condition, that is a real steal, not a deal that one could hope to duplicate in the present market. About 10-15 years ago, I paid $600 for my DP80 in its original plinth and with a Victor 9-inch tonearm, but my DP80 needed a fix, which was easily accomplished but required an additional expense. (I do believe that the previous owner was running it on 120V in the US, despite the fact that it is a 100V machine.) Which is another thing to bring up for a prospective buyer like the OP, he will need a step down transformer (120V to 100V) for most any DP75 or DP80. They’re available cheap on eBay. |
Mirco Seiki with Pioneer Arm from Vlad. 1,600 cad is $1,160. usd (I bought my JVC TT/Plinth from Vlad, I highly recommend him) 10 lb Platter. Vlad has many many listings, you could write him about a Phono Stage or Cartridge or both.