What you want to say i think is that with big speakers in big room we can had the experience of the musicians occupying our room, the room acoustic of the listener being replaced in ideal case by the theater acoustic where the musicians played ...
Thats right ...
But with small speakers well done in small room we can have the impression of being out of our room in the musicians own room acoustic , it is recording dependant also ...
The best is big speakers in big room ...
But small speakers in small room are not bad at all when well done ...
I dont need to have the impression that the live event fill my room listening space as in rock concert on big speakers ...I just need to be transported there in my head forgetting my room ...
It is what i had for a price too low to be mentionned in my acoustic small room ...
Small speakers in near listening in an acoustic dedicated small space beat all the headphones i heard and give intimacy with enough punch to be rewarding for my listening body with a large soundfield , imaging pin point and natural timbre ... ...
I can live with that ...
Live music is loud, effortless and impactful. Small speakers never really are. I can never be fooled into thinking I’m in the room with the musicians as I listen to small speakers.
To me, small systems are the equivalent of a very nice photography of an event; you will see everything on it but you’re not "there".
YMMV and we all have our preferences but I sure like a grand piano to sound like a GRAND piano!