What MIT cables are you using?
From my experience with them, they can be too bright in the wrong system but sound great in others.
I did not care for them much with more SS gear but like them best now with more tubes.
Before taking a big financial hit buying another CD, try DNM Reson ICs if you can find them used. These are warmer in comparison to MIT Terminator ICs I also use in my system and can take the edge off certain SS systems when needed.
Harmonic Technology Truthlink is another more neutral and less warm option I could recommend...more expensive also though.
From my experience with them, they can be too bright in the wrong system but sound great in others.
I did not care for them much with more SS gear but like them best now with more tubes.
Before taking a big financial hit buying another CD, try DNM Reson ICs if you can find them used. These are warmer in comparison to MIT Terminator ICs I also use in my system and can take the edge off certain SS systems when needed.
Harmonic Technology Truthlink is another more neutral and less warm option I could recommend...more expensive also though.