Any Nashville enthusiasts?

Moved here in June 2021, any locals or Audio clubs in the area drop me a line. Wanting to meet some fellow audio/music lovers here.  


Yessss. I’m in Franklin as well! Seems like many folks are here. Very engaging people here… like a good Mancave setup. 

Hi, are there any meet up’s in or around Nashville?  I’ve been here since 2018 but have finally got my 2 channel system up and running again.  Would be great to meet folks with similar interests. 

I haven't seen any indications of an audio club here in the Nashville area and I am in Lebanon?

I'm willing to kick that off. I have a history of hosting 50 folks to all day home theater and stereo get-togethers back in MIchigan in the 2008-2012 years. We had a Michigan home theater group, HEMI. I don't have an HT these days but put all my Sheckles into the stereo now.

Anlover, I'm up the road in Gallatin.