Leben CS 600 ( Dumper tube ) Tube rolling

I have done a fair amount of tube rolling in my beloved Leben CS 600 but have never attempted to roll the single dumper tube 6CJ3.  It did come with a vintage Sylvania tube.

I wonder has anyone ventured to roll it?

Does if have any effect on sound?  ( I am not sure why it would but wonder just the same).



That's a 'damper tube' used in color televisions, but its basically a rectifier. Since the Sylvania is a perfectly good tube, I wouldn't worry about it.

@atmasphere +1 Those old TV damper tubes make good robust rectifiers! They lack slow warmup though! Tube circuits should have the heater voltages applied first and allowed to warm up before being slammed with high B+ voltages.

Ralph is the expert but rectifier tubes can change the sound in some amp designs. 

The difference stems from allowing the power tubes to see higher or lesser voltage. 

My Ampsandsound Nautilus single ended triode amp modeled after the HK 16 is one such amp.