Leben CS 600 ( Dumper tube ) Tube rolling

I have done a fair amount of tube rolling in my beloved Leben CS 600 but have never attempted to roll the single dumper tube 6CJ3.  It did come with a vintage Sylvania tube.

I wonder has anyone ventured to roll it?

Does if have any effect on sound?  ( I am not sure why it would but wonder just the same).



Those old TV damper tubes make good robust rectifiers!



Tube circuits should have the heater voltages applied first and allowed to warm up before being slammed with high B+ voltages.

Yes, and that's one of the great design elements of an @atmasphere  amp































Different brands of rectifier tubes have a dramatic effect on Audio Note components. Their power supplies use tube regulation as well which also affects sonic signature. Don't know why it should.





So, I realized in my "box" of tubes, I did have a RCA NOS 6CJ3 hanging around.

I tried it in place of my stock Sylvania and did notice a difference in tone.  The RCA was in fact a touch warmer and more melodic.

Interesting for sure.  

I have procured a GE made Amperex ( for 10 dollars ) and will give it a try as well.

Thanks for your insights and happy Thanksgiving